Real Case Study

Real Case Study

Real Case Study

Building Trust and Collaboration
in Cross-Functional Teams

Building Trust and Collaboration
in Cross-Functional Teams

Building Trust and Collaboration
in Cross-Functional Teams

In this real case scenario, we examine the challenges faced by two cross-functional teams, that we will be calling TEAM A and TEAM B, who have been working together for the past 8 months. Both teams have been experiencing a lack of trust and frustration, leading to conflicts, inefficiencies, and suboptimal performance. To address these issues, a retrospective workshop was organized to promote self-awareness, improve communication, and foster a positive team dynamic.

The TEAM A had doubts about the TEAM B’s competence and experience. They perceived the TEAM B as incompetent and not fulfilling their contractual obligations. On the other hand, the TEAM B was frustrated due to conflicting information and directives received from TEAM A, leading to difficulty in managing their services. In addition to the existing challenges, the TEAM B had apprehensions about running a retrospective. Some members feared that it could become a pointing fingers exercise and potentially ruin the upcoming two-day workshop.

Retrospective Workshop:
To address the trust and collaboration issues between the teams and mitigate the TEAM B’s fear, the session was designed in two parts: an Ice Breaker and a Retrospective session.

Addressing the Fear:
To address TEAM B's apprehensions about the retrospective, special care was taken to set the right tone for the session right before the session. It was made clear that the retrospective session would be time-boxed and focused on constructive action planning. By limiting the duration and being explicit about the session's objectives, the TEAM B felt reassured that their concerns about a prolonged and unproductive meeting would be addressed.

More importantly, emphasis was placed on clarifying that the retrospective was not about assigning blame but rather an opportunity for the teams to collectively identify challenges and seek solutions together. It was assured that the session would be conducted in a non-judgmental and safe environment, where everyone's input would be respected. The focus was on encouraging open and honest communication, demonstrating that the retrospective aimed to promote understanding and empathy among team members rather than fostering negativity.

Ice Breaker:
The Ice Breaker activity aimed to set the tone for open communication and created a comfortable environment for team members to express themselves. The participants were asked to respond to statements on previous experiences with retrospective activity and move forward or backward based on their agreement with provocative/stimulative statements. This activity was conducted in a fun and engaging manner, and participants truly enjoyed the experience which helped break the initial barriers and encouraged active participation from everyone.

Retrospective Session:
The retrospective session focused on exploring the past few months' experiences, identifying areas of frustration, and finding opportunities for improvement. The team members were asked to consider the following questions:

1. What events during the past few months made you feel mad, irritated, or upset?

2. What events made you feel sad, disappointed, or let down?

3. What elements or events made you feel happy, glad, and successful?

Results and Outcomes:
During the retrospective session, the team members from both TEAM A and TEAM B expressed their feelings and perspectives on the challenges they faced. Some key insights and outcomes from the retrospective session were:

1. Lack of Communication: Both teams realized that poor communication led to misunderstandings and frustration. They acknowledged the need for more transparent and adequate communication channels to avoid conflicts in the future.

2. Misaligned Expectations: The teams identified that their expectations were not clearly communicated, leading to conflicting approaches in the program execution. Addressing these expectations proactively became a priority for future collaborations.

3. Building Empathy: Through open discussions, the teams developed a better understanding of each other's challenges and constraints. This increased empathy and reduced negative perceptions between the teams.

4. Improved Trust: The retrospective session allowed team members to acknowledge their biases and assumptions, which contributed to the lack of trust. By understanding these biases, the teams could work on rebuilding trust moving forward.

5. Actionable Improvements: The retrospective identified concrete actions and process improvements that both teams agreed to implement. These included regular joint meetings to align on objectives, defining clear roles and responsibilities, and establishing a feedback mechanism.

By acknowledging and addressing TEAM B's fear of running a retrospective, the session played a crucial role in creating a positive and productive environment. The successful retrospective not only helped identify underlying issues between the two teams but also paved the way for future retrospectives as a valuable tool for improving team dynamics and fostering trust and collaboration. TEAM B's initial reluctance transformed into an appreciation for the benefits of retrospectives, ensuring a more efficient and harmonious working relationship with TEAM A. The retrospective workshop, combined with the Ice Breaker, contributed to building trust, promoting self-awareness, and encouraging open communication among team members, leading to a more effective and successful collaboration.

In this real case scenario, we examine the challenges faced by two cross-functional teams, that we will be calling TEAM A and TEAM B, who have been working together for the past 8 months. Both teams have been experiencing a lack of trust and frustration, leading to conflicts, inefficiencies, and suboptimal performance. To address these issues, a retrospective workshop was organized to promote self-awareness, improve communication, and foster a positive team dynamic.

The TEAM A had doubts about the TEAM B’s competence and experience. They perceived the TEAM B as incompetent and not fulfilling their contractual obligations. On the other hand, the TEAM B was frustrated due to conflicting information and directives received from TEAM A, leading to difficulty in managing their services. In addition to the existing challenges, the TEAM B had apprehensions about running a retrospective. Some members feared that it could become a pointing fingers exercise and potentially ruin the upcoming two-day workshop.

Retrospective Workshop:
To address the trust and collaboration issues between the teams and mitigate the TEAM B’s fear, the session was designed in two parts: an Ice Breaker and a Retrospective session.

Addressing the Fear:
To address TEAM B's apprehensions about the retrospective, special care was taken to set the right tone for the session right before the session. It was made clear that the retrospective session would be time-boxed and focused on constructive action planning. By limiting the duration and being explicit about the session's objectives, the TEAM B felt reassured that their concerns about a prolonged and unproductive meeting would be addressed.

More importantly, emphasis was placed on clarifying that the retrospective was not about assigning blame but rather an opportunity for the teams to collectively identify challenges and seek solutions together. It was assured that the session would be conducted in a non-judgmental and safe environment, where everyone's input would be respected. The focus was on encouraging open and honest communication, demonstrating that the retrospective aimed to promote understanding and empathy among team members rather than fostering negativity.

Ice Breaker:
The Ice Breaker activity aimed to set the tone for open communication and created a comfortable environment for team members to express themselves. The participants were asked to respond to statements on previous experiences with retrospective activity and move forward or backward based on their agreement with provocative/stimulative statements. This activity was conducted in a fun and engaging manner, and participants truly enjoyed the experience which helped break the initial barriers and encouraged active participation from everyone.

Retrospective Session:
The retrospective session focused on exploring the past few months' experiences, identifying areas of frustration, and finding opportunities for improvement. The team members were asked to consider the following questions:

1. What events during the past few months made you feel mad, irritated, or upset?

2. What events made you feel sad, disappointed, or let down?

3. What elements or events made you feel happy, glad, and successful?

Results and Outcomes:
During the retrospective session, the team members from both TEAM A and TEAM B expressed their feelings and perspectives on the challenges they faced. Some key insights and outcomes from the retrospective session were:

1. Lack of Communication: Both teams realized that poor communication led to misunderstandings and frustration. They acknowledged the need for more transparent and adequate communication channels to avoid conflicts in the future.

2. Misaligned Expectations: The teams identified that their expectations were not clearly communicated, leading to conflicting approaches in the program execution. Addressing these expectations proactively became a priority for future collaborations.

3. Building Empathy: Through open discussions, the teams developed a better understanding of each other's challenges and constraints. This increased empathy and reduced negative perceptions between the teams.

4. Improved Trust: The retrospective session allowed team members to acknowledge their biases and assumptions, which contributed to the lack of trust. By understanding these biases, the teams could work on rebuilding trust moving forward.

5. Actionable Improvements: The retrospective identified concrete actions and process improvements that both teams agreed to implement. These included regular joint meetings to align on objectives, defining clear roles and responsibilities, and establishing a feedback mechanism.

By acknowledging and addressing TEAM B's fear of running a retrospective, the session played a crucial role in creating a positive and productive environment. The successful retrospective not only helped identify underlying issues between the two teams but also paved the way for future retrospectives as a valuable tool for improving team dynamics and fostering trust and collaboration. TEAM B's initial reluctance transformed into an appreciation for the benefits of retrospectives, ensuring a more efficient and harmonious working relationship with TEAM A. The retrospective workshop, combined with the Ice Breaker, contributed to building trust, promoting self-awareness, and encouraging open communication among team members, leading to a more effective and successful collaboration.

In this real case scenario, we examine the challenges faced by two cross-functional teams, that we will be calling TEAM A and TEAM B, who have been working together for the past 8 months. Both teams have been experiencing a lack of trust and frustration, leading to conflicts, inefficiencies, and suboptimal performance. To address these issues, a retrospective workshop was organized to promote self-awareness, improve communication, and foster a positive team dynamic.

The TEAM A had doubts about the TEAM B’s competence and experience. They perceived the TEAM B as incompetent and not fulfilling their contractual obligations. On the other hand, the TEAM B was frustrated due to conflicting information and directives received from TEAM A, leading to difficulty in managing their services. In addition to the existing challenges, the TEAM B had apprehensions about running a retrospective. Some members feared that it could become a pointing fingers exercise and potentially ruin the upcoming two-day workshop.

Retrospective Workshop:
To address the trust and collaboration issues between the teams and mitigate the TEAM B’s fear, the session was designed in two parts: an Ice Breaker and a Retrospective session.

Addressing the Fear:
To address TEAM B's apprehensions about the retrospective, special care was taken to set the right tone for the session right before the session. It was made clear that the retrospective session would be time-boxed and focused on constructive action planning. By limiting the duration and being explicit about the session's objectives, the TEAM B felt reassured that their concerns about a prolonged and unproductive meeting would be addressed.

More importantly, emphasis was placed on clarifying that the retrospective was not about assigning blame but rather an opportunity for the teams to collectively identify challenges and seek solutions together. It was assured that the session would be conducted in a non-judgmental and safe environment, where everyone's input would be respected. The focus was on encouraging open and honest communication, demonstrating that the retrospective aimed to promote understanding and empathy among team members rather than fostering negativity.

Ice Breaker:
The Ice Breaker activity aimed to set the tone for open communication and created a comfortable environment for team members to express themselves. The participants were asked to respond to statements on previous experiences with retrospective activity and move forward or backward based on their agreement with provocative/stimulative statements. This activity was conducted in a fun and engaging manner, and participants truly enjoyed the experience which helped break the initial barriers and encouraged active participation from everyone.

Retrospective Session:
The retrospective session focused on exploring the past few months' experiences, identifying areas of frustration, and finding opportunities for improvement. The team members were asked to consider the following questions:

1. What events during the past few months made you feel mad, irritated, or upset?

2. What events made you feel sad, disappointed, or let down?

3. What elements or events made you feel happy, glad, and successful?

Results and Outcomes:
During the retrospective session, the team members from both TEAM A and TEAM B expressed their feelings and perspectives on the challenges they faced. Some key insights and outcomes from the retrospective session were:

1. Lack of Communication: Both teams realized that poor communication led to misunderstandings and frustration. They acknowledged the need for more transparent and adequate communication channels to avoid conflicts in the future.

2. Misaligned Expectations: The teams identified that their expectations were not clearly communicated, leading to conflicting approaches in the program execution. Addressing these expectations proactively became a priority for future collaborations.

3. Building Empathy: Through open discussions, the teams developed a better understanding of each other's challenges and constraints. This increased empathy and reduced negative perceptions between the teams.

4. Improved Trust: The retrospective session allowed team members to acknowledge their biases and assumptions, which contributed to the lack of trust. By understanding these biases, the teams could work on rebuilding trust moving forward.

5. Actionable Improvements: The retrospective identified concrete actions and process improvements that both teams agreed to implement. These included regular joint meetings to align on objectives, defining clear roles and responsibilities, and establishing a feedback mechanism.

By acknowledging and addressing TEAM B's fear of running a retrospective, the session played a crucial role in creating a positive and productive environment. The successful retrospective not only helped identify underlying issues between the two teams but also paved the way for future retrospectives as a valuable tool for improving team dynamics and fostering trust and collaboration. TEAM B's initial reluctance transformed into an appreciation for the benefits of retrospectives, ensuring a more efficient and harmonious working relationship with TEAM A. The retrospective workshop, combined with the Ice Breaker, contributed to building trust, promoting self-awareness, and encouraging open communication among team members, leading to a more effective and successful collaboration.

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